速報APP / 工具 / Keypad GO - Fake GPS Joystick

Keypad GO - Fake GPS Joystick





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:Trav. de Gracia 198, 4-2 08012 - BARCELONA SPAIN

Keypad GO - Fake GPS Joystick(圖1)-速報App

Keypad GO - Fake GPS Joystick is floating keypad that allows you to set a location, designed for developers who want to test location.

Follow the instructions that are written on the app to activate the 'Floating Keypad Fake GPS'

Operating Instructions

1. Show hidden menu Developer

- Go to the 'Settings menu', and scroll down to 'About phone.' Tap it.

Keypad GO - Fake GPS Joystick(圖2)-速報App

- Scroll down to the bottom again, where you see 'Build number.' (Your build number may vary from ours here.)

- Tap it seven (7) times.

2. Select mock location app

- Go to the 'Settings menu>Developer options', and scroll down to 'Select mock location.' Tap it.

- Select app 'Fake GPS Location'.

Keypad GO - Fake GPS Joystick(圖3)-速報App

If you have any questions you can go to Google Community


Keypad GO - Fake GPS Joystick(圖4)-速報App